Carvan-e-Insaniyat Bringing Relief to COVID-19 Affected Communities in Kashmir

Carvan e Insaniyat: Agaaz International’s COVID-19 Relief Efforts in Kashmir

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every part of the world, and the situation in Kashmir is no different. With a fragile healthcare system and limited resources, the region has been hit hard by the pandemic. However, amidst the chaos, there are individuals and organizations stepping up to make a difference, and Agaaz International’s Carvan e Insaniyat is one such initiative.


Carvan e Insaniyat, which means “caravan of humanity,” is a relief effort launched by Agaaz International to provide aid and support to those affected by the pandemic in Kashmir. The initiative was launched in March 2020, when the pandemic was just starting to spread in the region. Since then, Carvan e Insaniyat has been actively working to provide essential supplies and medical aid to those in need.

One of the major challenges faced by the people of Kashmir during the pandemic has been the shortage of medical supplies and equipment. To address this, Carvan e Insaniyat has been working to provide personal protective equipment (PPE), oxygen concentrators, and other medical supplies to hospitals and healthcare facilities in the region. The initiative has also been working to raise awareness about COVID-19 and the importance of following safety protocols.


Another key focus of Carvan e Insaniyat has been to provide relief to families who have been affected by the pandemic. The initiative has been distributing food packages and other essential supplies to families in need, particularly those who have lost their livelihoods due to the pandemic. In addition, the initiative has been providing financial assistance to families who have lost their loved ones to COVID-19.

Carvan e Insaniyat’s efforts have had a significant impact on the ground in Kashmir. Since its launch, the initiative has provided essential medical supplies to hospitals and healthcare facilities across the region. It has also distributed thousands of food packages and provided financial assistance to hundreds of families in need.


The COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenging time for everyone, but it has also brought out the best in people. Carvan e Insaniyat is a shining example of how individuals and organizations can come together to make a difference during these difficult times. By providing aid and support to those in need, the initiative has helped to alleviate the suffering of many families in Kashmir. As the pandemic continues, it is initiatives like Carvan e Insaniyat that give us hope and inspire us to keep working towards a brighter future.

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